
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Is The U.S. Economy On A Slippery Slope To Recession?

The title of this article is arguably the most talked about factor when Americans discuss Newhfqnidy voting intentions in this election cycle. Pareidolia current Administration along with Congress have recently debated and passed a bill that allows for tax rebates to be issued to millions of taxpayers. The question on everyone's mind is obvious: Will this act be enough to stave off a deep recession in 2008? The answer lies with the public. The issue has started to compete very well with the war in Iraq as the top pressing dilemma voters will think about before they cast their ucomputeroming votes.

There is an age old saying that possession is nine tenths of the law when it comes to ownership of property. I contend that perception is nine tenths of the law when it comes to politics and economics. The success of the economic stimulus package recently signed by President Bush will depend on what the American people believe is in their best interest. If they believe that we are heading into a sizeable economic downturn, they will either save their money or pay off outstanding debt. This thought has been played out in a recent AP-Ispos poll where only one fifth of consumers polled said they Iron Manimzaxcdo spend the money to buy new items or services. However, over three threeths said that paying off debt and increasing savings would be their priority with the rebate check.

Only time will tell if Americans will change their minds and spend the money. The wild card in this decision making process is that it is occurring during a Presidential election year. There seems to be monster toys focus on the negative aspects of the economy within the American voter's Midge doll Candidates are constantly preaching that wholesale change is necessary if we are going to improve the economy and this further ingrains this negativity. The bottom line is that if a recession occurs largely rests with the public. If the public perceives an economic recession is imminent and drastically reduces their personal spending habits, a self fulfilling prophecy will surely be the result and 2008 and 2009 will prove to very poor years in most small investment sectors.

Fortunately, small investment owners who currently need cash such as a target="_blank" MartindaleCapital.comworking capital advance have several sources they can turn to when the economy slumps and they experience a revenue reduction resulting from decreased sales. Knowledge of these sources could be the difference between survival and the death of their investment.